Monster Description Cards (PDF)

Monster Description Cards (PDF)


Monster Description Cards are extensive storytelling tools containing purposely unique flavor text to add realism or memorable characterization to creatures and their subsequent events. These cards provide keywords to spark your imagination and example phrases for their use. Written by novelists and organized by dungeon-masters, the cards are designed for quick on-the-fly use and inherently add randomization. T

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Magic Description Cards (Full PDF 138 Cards)

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Writer's and GM Screen (PDF)

Description Cards - Storytellers Deck - PAIN CARDS excerpt -(PDF) DescriptionCardsStorytellersDeckPrintandPlayV1-1_Optimized_Page_056.jpg

Description Cards - Storytellers Deck - PAIN CARDS excerpt -(PDF)

Description Cards - Storytellers Deck - ENVIRONMENTS excerpt - PDF DescriptionCardsStorytellersDeckPrintandPlayV1-1_Optimized_Page_052.jpg

Description Cards - Storytellers Deck - ENVIRONMENTS excerpt - PDF

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Conflict PvP: Tactics and Teams Rulebook (PDF)
