Slapbot App Terms of Service

Last Updated 03/06/2019


By using the Slapbot website or services or any applications (including mobile applications) made available by Conflict Games llc, using software associated with Slapbot or that utilizes facets of the Slapbot service such libraries or the API or utilizes Slapbot assets such as digital images (together, the “Service” or “Slapbot ”), you agree to be bounded by these Terms of Service.

If you do not agree to these Terms of Service do not register an account on Slapbot and do not use the Slapbot service or assets, or install or use Slapbot related software or assets.

Basic Terms

  1. You retain your rights to content you submit to the Slapbot Service. Slapbot does not claim copyright on user submitted content. By submitting content you grant the Slapbot Service and other users of Slapbot a non-exclusive and royalty-free license to distribute, transmit, copy, reproduce, modify, adapt, display and use such content in any and all media allowed by Slapbot and any distribution methods allowed by Slapbot.

  2. The Service does not provide filtering or censorship of content. You acknowledge that you understand and agree to only use the Service if it is legal to do so according to the laws and regulations of the location where you use the Service.

  3. When registering or updating any content or images on Slapbot you are making the legally binding assertion that you have the rights to the words or phrases in the content, code and the images, characters, brands, items and designs used in that content or image. When registering or updating an content or image you acknowledge you are taking full responsibility for any rights issues that may arise. You agree to completely indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Slapbot Service or Conflict Games llc from any claim arising out of content that you submit and you will be financially liable for any damage or infringement.

  4. You understand that refunds for premium and/or paid services are provided at Conflict Games llc sole discretion. In the case that you desire a refund or feel you have been charged unfairly you will consult with Conflict Games llc before any other party.

  5. You are responsible for activity that occurs through your account. You agree to not sell, transfer, license or assign your account or associated content or image to any other individual or business.

  6. With the exception of those who create accounts on behalf of businesses, services or groups; you agree you will not create an account for anyone other than yourself. You also represent that all information you provide for any account under your control is accurate, current and complete and you agree to update this information as necessary to maintain its accuracy.

  7. You are responsible for keeping your login credentials such as username, password and external service authentication keys secret and secure.

  8. You will not solicit or utilize the login credentials of others and you will not utilize login credentials other than your own to gain access to or use the Service.

  9. You may not charge for services on or using Slapbot unless specific written permission is granted from Conflict Games llc. This does not include services that utilize Slapbot libraries, the Slapbot API, or bundle an Slapbot client and comply with the licenses for those libraries, the API, or the client.

  10. You may not imply that you are the representative of any Slapbot Service.

  11. You will not interfere with or attempt to disable or disrupt the Slapbot Service.

  12. You will not create or use a script or device to automatically register content or images unless specific written permission is granted by Conflict Games llc.

  13. You will not create or use a script or device to automatically register user accounts for the Service.

  14. You will not claim ownership or rights of any content or images registered by another user unless you have legally and publicly verifiable proof of the right to that content or image (such as copyright or trademark). If you can produce proof of rights and would like to claim ownership or submit a takedown request you agree to do so through Slapbot support and not through any legal process of any country without first receiving a release from Slapbot Support or Conflict Games llc.

  15. You understand that other users of the Service will be able to use content or image you register freely and at their discretion in any online or digital service or on any non-commercial and non-mass-distributed printed material they choose.

  16. You will respect the copyright on content or image submitted by other users of the Service and will not produce commercial material featuring that content or image without the express permission and license of both the copyright holder and either Conflict Games or a contractual partner of Conflict Games with the right to grant sub-licenses for the utilized media and distribution methods.

  17. You accept that Conflict Games may, at any time and for any reason; remove content or image from the Slapbot Service or reclaim or reassign content or image codes. In the case content or images were removed due to license or copyright infringement, fees paid on the content or image will be refunded at Conflict Games’ sole discretion.

  18. You hereby grant Slapbot, Conflict Games and contractual partners of Conflict Games the license and rights to use any content or image you submit to the Service in commercial material and products, both virtual and physical.

  19. When you register or update content or image on the Slapbot Service which contains logos, original characters, product images or other content to which you own the copyright and wish to license out commercial or mass-production rights on; you will register or update said content or image with the “Copyright” flag. If you register or update an content or image without the “Copyright” flag you grant Conflict Games the exclusive right to license that content or image for commercial and mass-distributed content.

  20. You accept that by registering or updating content or image on the Slapbot Service without the “Copyright” flag you are granting the exclusive right to license to Conflict Games and partners and you will not grant licenses for commercial material or mass-production on said content or image to any other party, nor will you personally produce commercial goods utilizing that content or image without first notifying and receiving a contract or written permission from Conflict Games or its partners.

  21. You will not issue a license for commercial production or mass-distribution of any Slapbot asset on the Slapbot Service unless you are the copyright holder and have registered that content with the “Copyright” flag.

  22. You acknowledge that by registering content on the Slapbot Service, regardless of “Copyright” flag, you are granting Conflict Games and partners the rights to use your content or image on commercial and non-commercial, physical and virtual material unconditionally and without fees or limitations. To register content on Slapbot with specific conditions, fees imposed or limits applied you must obtain a contract from Conflict Games with said conditions, fees and limitations defined.

  23. You acknowledge that any change to content or image content, form, rights, or permissions does not revoke rights previously granted for the use by the Slapbot Service, users of the Slapbot Service, and Conflict Games and partners; and the change in content or status will only affect the use of the content or image after the change. You may not claim any damages nor levy any fee against any party for the use of emoji content so long as the use was permissible at the time.

  24. You will not cache or save any asset acquired from Slapbot and bundle them in any virtual or physical product without express permission and retention of copyright information.

  25. If you are found by Conflict Games to be in violation of these Terms of Service your account could be terminated and you may be held financially responsible for any damages caused against Conflict Games, Slapbot , or any other party using or associated with Slapbot .

  26. Use of the Slapbot Service indicates you understand and agree to all of the above Terms of Service.